Kefir is fermented milk that provides a powerhouse of probiotics. Many people believe it to be better than yogurt.
Kefir with coconut milk is an excellent alternative for those who are lactose intolerant, or who prefer to avoid dairy in their diet. Coconut kefir provides the “friendly bacteria” that is necessary for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It improves the immune system, fights infections like candida, and has high levels of potassium and vitamin B12.
Benefits of Kefir
Fermented milk might sound disgusting, but kefir is renowned around the world. It’s one of the best health foods of the 21st century. Kefir contains 30 strains of good bacteria that help fight against bacteria, tumors, carcinogens, and much more.
Kefir grains are a collection of bacteria and yeast that contain a culture comprised of polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are important because they help store energy that we gain from consuming food.
The probiotic Lactobacillus kefiri helps defend against harmful bacteria like salmonella and E. coli. Kefiran, specifically, helps fight against a common pregnancy infection called candida.
The probiotics in kefir work to encourage regular bowel movements and prevent diarrhea. Which in turn counteracts constipation and bloating by eliminating excess minerals and waste products.
Adding kefir into your diet assists the body in restoring gut flora. Some might not know, but the immune system resides in the gut. And having a healthy microbiome supports immune function, weight management, and even skin complexion.
Because of its ability to restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut, adding kefir to your diet is essential to reversing side effects caused by antibiotics. (1)
Kefir with Coconut Milk
Making kefir with coconut milk is a double bonus. You get all the benefits of kefir, with the added benefits of coconut milk.
Coconut milk contains a high amount of antioxidants, which prevent free radical damage. Antioxidants are also useful in preventing skin aging.
There are even studies that show kefir assisting with wound healing. (2) It’s absolutely crazy how many ways there are to naturally help the body fix itself.
As an added benefit, the lauric acid in coconut kefir changers to monolaurin in our bodies. Monolaurin protects the body from viruses, gastrointestinal infections, and worms.
Dairy Free Alternative
Kefir with coconut milk is amazing for people whose digestive systems react to dairy. I was afraid to try it at first because you do have to occasionally grow the kefir in goat’s or cow’s milk.
Yet, it didn’t bother me in the slightest. It didn’t affect my nursing son either, who is severely dairy intolerant.
Coconut kefir is also important for those who suffer from arthritis and other similar pains. This is because dairy may contribute to inflammation.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Studies show that coconut milk reduces inflammation, decreases stomach ulcer size, and fights viruses and bacteria. (3) (4)
Kefir even has anti-inflammatory properties that are scientifically proven to significantly help with asthma. Mee-Young Lee’s study concludes:
“Kefir displayed anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects in a mouse asthma model and may possess new therapeutic potential for the treatment of allergic bronchial asthma.” (6)
Is Kefir Safe During Pregnancy?
Kefir is a fantastic way for pregnant women to add probiotics to their diet without the use of supplementation. Because of its powerful infection fighting and immune boosting properties, it should be implemented regularly.
The best ways that I have found to use kefir is by drinking it with stevia as a sweetener, adding it to smoothies, making a granola bowl with a crispy version of homemade oat cereal, or pouring it over frozen fruit.
However, store bought kefir tends to be loaded with sugar and harmful additives. I highly recommend making it yourself.
Benefits of Stevia
Stevia is a great way to flavor your kefir drink. However, stevia tends to have a bad reputation. Largely in part to popular brands containing GMO erythritol.
Yet, there are brands of stevia that do not contain these chemicals. The best form is ground organic stevia leaf, but there are extracts that are okay to use as well.
One of the many benefits of stevia leaves is its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Because of these, stevia has the ability to assist in fighting candida and other yeast infections. A double whammy when added to kefir.
Stevia also contains antioxidants and immunomodulatory properties that are shown to protect the liver from damaging chemicals.
This powerful natural sweetener helps to prevent diabetes by controlling blood sugar and aids in weight loss. Unfortunately, the taste isn’t for everyone.
The best way I have found to add stevia into recipes is with the flavored extract. Or using a fraction of the amount that is called for.
How to Make Coconut Kefir
I put off making coconut kefir while I was pregnant because it seemed too complicated. I finally sucked it up a few months ago, and wow. It’s delicious!
The hardest part is finding the kefir grains. My aunt grew the ones she had, and shared them with me. The health nut version of friendship bread. (Which by the way is insanely tasty.)
If you don’t know anyone who has kefir grains, you can buy them on Amazon. It sounds so strange, I know. Packaged and delivered to your door. But I haven’t had any luck finding them elsewhere.
Once you get the grains, place them in a mason jar with one can of coconut milk. Place a coffee filter over the top and secure with a rubber band. Place the jar in a dark cupboard and culture at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours.
Strain the coconut milk from the kefir with a cheese cloth and place the coconut milk in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use it.
Use the grains to make a new batch of kefir. Switch to goat’s or cow’s milk every few batches.
Pregnancy Pina Colada
If you don’t like stevia, I used 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil and it was still delicious.
- 3/4 cup coconut kefir
- 3/4 cup pineapple
- 3 drops coconut stevia
- Place the coconut kefir, stevia, and the pineapple in a small blender.
- Blend until smooth